Your Health and Chlorine
Chlorine is a chemical agent that is commonly used to disinfecting water. Municipal water companies add it to our tap water to take care of harmful bacteria that may be present. It is used to keep swimming pools sanitary and free of harmful bacteria. It does a fantastic job at those things, but there’s a catch. According to the EPA chlorine has no immediate harmful effects on humans, but there is a growing body of research that is showing otherwise. If you have ever been in a chlorinated pool you can surely remember how dry and itchy your skin was after. Dry skin and hair are of the lightest symptoms. Long term exposure to chlorine has been linked to chronic respiratory problems like asthma, especially in swimmers. There are methane by-products of chlorinated water that are linked to food allergies and cancer. If you live in a city, you are almost certainly being exposed to chlorine everyday. When you take a hot shower , chlorine is not only absorbed through skin, but through the lungs as well. We actually breathe in chlorine when the shower gets steamy.
The Anespa DX
Not only can we choose to no longer micro-dose chlorine , but we can enjoy the benefits of a natural hot spring right at home.
The Anespa
Breaks down water molecules by use of a powerful magnet.
Filters out chlorine and other harmful contaminants found in tap water
Passes water through a cartridge filled with stones and minerals from a radium hot spring in Japan, creating mineral ion water